Saturday, 6 July 2013

Shopping for Tarbes!

So... I know the stereotype for a horse rider is 'rich and posh' and well quite frankly, I wish this was true! But being a horse rider myself, I am proof that this is not so. I wouldn't say I am 'poor' or 'unfortunate', I'd say I'm just a bit pushed for money. However, I would like to take this time to thank my family for their incredible support over the years of my competing within endurance and other disciplines previous to that.

I am lucky enough that my mum sold her caravan in order for me to raise enough money to fund our trip to Tarbes for the World Championships this summer. I also received generous contributions from my Grandparents and my Dad for which I will be eternally greatful. As I work full-time, I do manage to fund my competitions each month throughout the year but I truly wouldn't have been able to consider this great opportunity if it was not for my loved ones, what a lucky girl I am!

After all of the hard work put in to raise the money needed (cake sale, selling old tack, selling caravan, endless hours working/overtime etc), Mum and I decided to go shopping today to purchase all of the things on my shopping list...and we did it in style!

 We were frantic about red, white and blue and managed to fill up the whole car with various bits and pieces. It's surprising how much can be spent in one day-although our justification was that "Czarko is worth every penny". We are sure we will be representing Great Britain in style, or we'd like to think so anyway!

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